Monday, October 02, 2006

Someone Has Been Very Naughty...

I am completely convinced that this is a practical joke (in poor taste, although I must admit I laughed) on the CEO of Kraft Foods, Inc, Irene Rosenfeld, presumably enacted by either the photographer or whoever staged the photograph. The picture accompanies an article describing the "50 most powerful women", in which she ranks #5, making the joke, if it is indeed one, that much nastier.

And if you don't get it, I'm not explaining it to you.



Blogger Benjamin said...

I'm just sayin'... I mean, first of all, the package in question is the ONLY ONE that's a non-american package (note the writing that seems Korean on the package). This indicates to me that they REALLY wanted a package of the stuff in her picture, but could only find a foreign brand available that would fit in the shot. Additionally, it's directly below her face, unlike all other packages, making it the most prominently-visible package of the bunch. Too much of a set of coincidences to be random (albeit unfortunate) chance, don't you think...

2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, you are a perv. Appropriately (as always) we had a post over at Mazurland today that talks about seeing things in pictures that aren't really there. Time to take a deep breath, Ben.

3:38 PM  
Blogger Benjamin said...

Whatever, man... that empty bag of peanuts is so obviously a reference to a woman's naughty bits. Rockwell was a perv's perv.

3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The scariest thing about the photo is that the Kraft CEO looks so much like Fred Gwynne.

6:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I wand to know is why is the guy in the photo wearing ear rings and makeup?

11:53 AM  

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